“A Nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious, but it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly, but the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of Government itself” - Marcus Tullius Cicero
Some would understand instantly, yet some took awhile to do so, unfortunately some still do not wish to understand or told not to, but logically speaking, what is happening today is a major disappointment, and the present Political crackdown in our own Country would be the best example…deteriorating disagreements within the Pakatan Rakyat coalition and Barisan Nasional today under the Leadership of YAB Datuk Seri Najib.
Speaking of good governance, failure will only take place when poor management takes flight. It all started from a tiny fracture in 1MDB…the opening of the surface began to whiff and like disintegrating body parts, it’s an epidemic hitting the Nation. Today and every other day, physically we see and hear the mutterings and rumblings of issues invigorated with regards to 1MDB. Daily, this infamous Government Body is being hit, but the one encouraging thing is that the “mad moment” has not yet arrived for the firing of guns, exploding of the bombs or a colossal street demonstration which will set civilization about the final task of destroying itself…thank God that’s not happening…well at least for now until the fully Audited reports are finally exposed.
There is still hope for a “logical closure” if we finally decide that no longer can we safely blind our eyes and close our ears to those facts which are shaping up more and more clearly, and that is that we are now engaged in a show-down fight, not the usual war between Nations for land areas or other material gains, but a war between two diametrically opposed ideologies and principals. Unless we face this fact, we shall pay the price that must be paid by those who wait too long.
Ever since the perk of 1MDB was a perk no more, several among the Barisan Nasional Leaders and NGOs were seen stepping forward and daily showing support to the Prime Minister. Their intentions are good (I guess), so congratulations to that but here’s the thing…in order to protect the Premier they worship (while not knowing the actual story behind the mess in 1MDB) they simply cannot stop giving and making unintelligent statements condemning Tun Dr. Mahathir and its pitch forking the ears of the listeners by the minute.
Hundreds of examples are available in store but a short throwback to “Nothing to Hide” Dialog with the Prime Minister on June 5th was the simplest example to point out. On one hand, the sudden stop to the Dialog was the safest move to avoid unwanted actions and reactions by respective supporters at the scene, but on the other hand too the reasons were quite hazy. Unethical act by some supporters witnessed during the event was clear but listening to what TV3 reported the same evening via Bulletin TV3 was totally conflicting and this was what they reported:
1) Organizer did not extend invitation to Tun Dr. Mahathir; therefore the former Prime Minister wasn’t supposed to attend the Dialog;
2) Realizing negative attendance of YAB Datuk Seri Najib, Tun Dr. Mahathir did not take the seat prepared for him by the Organizer but chose to sit on another chair;
3) Organizer clearly making a statement that there were no invitations extended to Tun Dr. Mahathir whatsoever;
4) The Master of Ceremony had no choice but to allow Tun Dr. Mahathir to speak on center stage following the majority voice in the hall strongly urging him to.
All four (4) confusing facts. TV3 should be more aware of what they're reporting because everyone’s listening.
And the most comedic part in between was the tweet by ex-PKR strongman Lokman Nor Adam seen photographing himself while pointing at the chair with Tun Dr. Mahathir’s name on it.
So here we have, a fanatic Media partner blindly supporting the Prime Minister, an Organizer who refuses to admit invitation to Tun Dr. Mahathir but had his name clearly written on a chair and an ex-PKR who shared the same cell with Tian Chua sighting the obvious. So, was Tun Dr. Mahathir really not invited, or is someone trying to be an idiot somewhere...?
With regards to the same incident, the comments made by Tunku Abdul Aziz is hereby referred as brainless when he had boldly indicated that Tun Dr. Mahathir taking center stage at the scene was an act of a degenerating behavior into a Street Fighter and not of a National Leader. And why are we not surprised with such a statement…coming from an ex-DAP, the audacity was crystal clear.
Daily we see and hear fanatics profusely attacking Tun Dr. Mahathir but there seem to be no sign of him backing off. This wise Old Man is never taking a step behind until he sets the Nation free…free from lies and deception, and free of scams and fraud misusing the funds belonging to the Country he help built for twenty two (22) years.
A logical, non-guilty yet composed mind would spell “Prepare the reports and show the People, questioned will be answered and problems will be solved”, so what’s the fuss all about then? There is no need to be afraid of Tun Dr. Mahathir; shivering over his enquiries on 1MDB alone would be sufficient. Discomposure among them were physical but not to anyone’s surprise when everything begin to crumble characteristically among the Leaders of UMNO and Barisan Nasional as they continue to present us with daily defensive cause of actions and attacks thrown back to the ex-Prime Minister immediately after he popped the question.
A logical, non-guilty yet composed mind would spell “Prepare the reports and show the People, questioned will be answered and problems will be solved”, so what’s the fuss all about then? There is no need to be afraid of Tun Dr. Mahathir; shivering over his enquiries on 1MDB alone would be sufficient. Discomposure among them were physical but not to anyone’s surprise when everything begin to crumble characteristically among the Leaders of UMNO and Barisan Nasional as they continue to present us with daily defensive cause of actions and attacks thrown back to the ex-Prime Minister immediately after he popped the question.
The Country is already filthy with unintelligent Politicians setting forward incompetency and therefore individually, be it from the Opposition Party or the ruling Party for that matter. We have one too many Smart Alecs like Rafizi Ramli plus several other nonsensical statement makers like Salleh Said Keruak. The Country needs Leaders equipped with brains, not Soldiers equipped with defensive armors but eatable bullets.
Regret to note that UMNO and Barisan Nasional often fall for Traitors and in which are the living legends under their noses today. Thanks to UMNO and Barisan Nasional, these defectors today are being well treated, well paid, well positioned and well benefited from the funds of the Party and Country they once and twice betrayed. We often speak of traitors in the making but at the same time we forget to note the conspirators alive from within.

Points to be noted:
1) He chose DAP and not UMNO (for him being a Malay National and the distant member of a Royal family himself);
2) Today, after tendering from DAP, he came forward showing support for Barisan Nasional but by not officially joining either one of its components which includes UMNO;
3) Prefers to stay independent to date;
If this ex-DAP Vice Chairman would’ve been sincere enough to support Barisan Nasional, he could’ve joined UMNO (at least) the day he tendered from DAP. Him refusing to do so after three (3) years now, proves nothing more than him having no confidence in the present ruling Party what more in UMNO. Sources said he held on to the idiom “it’s either the Devil or the Deep Blue Sea”. Whether this would be an embarrassing fact or otherwise, only you can decide. But fortunately for him today, he’s lifted sky high. We were blind enough to remain him as the Member of Dewan Negara which is the upper house of Parliament today.
This ex-DAP Vice Chairman may have served as the Special Adviser to Kofi Annan in the United Nations, and he may have had himself largely involved in Anti-Corruption Movements around the World and I so much believe this was where he picked his English accent from, but quoting Tun Dr. Mahathir as a Street Fighter and not as the Leader of the Nation had instantaneously made some of us to speculate his short term twelve (12) months service to Kofi Annan.

Points to be noted:
1) He was the Ketua Pemuda UMNO PJ for four (4) years;
2) He was the State Secretary of Selangor for three (3) years;
3) He was the Naib Ketua UMNO PJ Selatan for three (3) years;
4) He was the Political Secretary to Anwar Ibrahim during office;
5) When Anwar Ibrahim was sacked in 1998, he tail gated and constructed street demonstrations objecting the dismissal of the immoral ex-Deputy Prime Minister;
6) Left UMNO for PKR in 1998;
7) Became the Leader of Angkatan Muda PKR (AMK) for seven (7) years;
8) He was sentenced to a two (2) years jail term due to his acts of fanaticism for the sake of Anwar Ibrahim and family;
9) Suddenly on May 28 2008 and after eleven (11) long years with PKR, he appealed for membership in UMNO and Pak Lah approved it with RM100 joining fee.
He served UMNO for six (6) years but left the Party to support Anwar Ibrahim. He then came back begging to be accepted into UMNO after eleven (11) long years serving PKR. And ironically today, we made him the Timbalan Ketua Bahagian UMNO Kota Raja Selangor (within the Opposition’s den where he was before); we made him a Senator and we were kind enough to appoint him as the Director of Communication in the Finance Ministry.
Oh…did I tell you he write books on the Islamic Laws on Corruption? We give traitors benefit of the doubt and a second chance to prove loyalty but we tarnish the reputation of the Country’s 4th Prime Minister over his sacrifice and efforts building the Country for twenty two (22) years simply over questions he threw with regards to the misusing of funds by 1MDB. I shall leave it to you to evaluate.

Points to be noted:
1) Begin his political career with PAS;
2) After twelve (12) long years, he left the Islamic Party for a more People’s Justice Party (PKR);
3) Got himself in too many trouble and was dismissed only after two (2) years by the Party he left PAS for;
4) Independent since 2010 to date;
Since 2010 to date, he is still not an official member of UMNO. 12 years (PAS), 2 years (PKR) and presently 5 years (Independent) = 19 years wasn’t enough for this ex-PAS PKR Individual to understand or accept UMNO. Again, and whether this is a total humiliation to UMNO or otherwise…you decide. If wearing a Barisan Nasional uniform still makes him Independent to date, who do we blame? Trust me, if anyone would’ve asked him why not join UMNO, the answer would be a definite something you wouldn’t want to hear.
Besides these Individuals (3 of many other), you wouldn’t want to know about Nallakrupan…trust me you don’t.
These individual named above did not come back to support UMNO or Barisan Nasional because they want to, but they came back after they’ve been betrayed or being disbelieved or sacked by their respective Parties. Traitors put Politics before them as shields and we were sightless to speak in praise of betrayers.
Besides making the biggest mistake appointing bad behavioral Individual into the Ruling Party or welcoming them into the Political arena per say, we still have the wife to the scandalous NFC’s Executive Chairman, who was then the Minister and was then the Senator and today remains as the National Wanita UMNO Chief, including a new post as the Special Adviser to the Prime Minister with regards to Women Affairs…and we thought there’s already a Minister running the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Family and Community Development in the Country…?
Supporting and voting for these categorical Women to lead the Women’s Political World in the Country somehow proves that the majority Women in UMNO agrees on opened acts of misappropriation of powers, easily forgiving and therefore allowing the past or present bad reputations to swiftly pass by them, or probably unable to shun away from stern instructions to do so. The Women of UMNO are Majestic and far better than this and I believe they can do better in making good choices in future.
What makes a speech memorable are those of meaningful to you. This is where what Tun Dr. Mahathir said can never be forgotten. And if we truly understand what he meant, we will not be rebellions.
“The people should read more in order to see more…lihatlah dari mata burung bukan dari dalam tempurung”.
And I would say...“While we still have people who believes in Law but interprets wrongdoing from a Political point of view, sentencing anyone over his or her guilt would be an offense”.
After everything that's been said and done, which one smells the worst...? the Monger or the Fish? I am Sharifah Zohra Jabeen and I approve this message.