somewhere will lead to another…many agreed…so to say.
Agree or
disagree, but it all started from the questions popped by the Country’s 4th
Prime Minister over the peculiar management style imposed by a wholly owned
Government body, 1 Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

Unfortunately the first question actually arrived in a
set of other questions including the infamous murder
of a Mongolian Woman.
Some may think it’s a murder of the Century, sorry...but not for me. There are thousands of Women out there and daily being raped, abused, tortured, even charred and dismembered, shot a gunpoint simply over sore relationships, hidden affairs, jealousy and even robbery. These Women too were humans; and the only difference between them was that the mysteriously bomb blasted one was categorized as high profile murder case, whereby the others mentioned above were just among the normal day to day Housewife, someone’s Daughter or Granddaughter or even somebody's Mother for God sake...sounds cynical right...yes, I am being one. Face this fact, the Political world today are not paying serious attention to curb Blatant Abuse against Women and Children, they're seemingly more keen to steer clear high profile cases among the Rich and Famous.
However, the concerns were clear, why, how and what caused it. I am not at all interested to touch on any Mongolian Woman dead or alive; and as one leads to another, things became more and more confusing. For Tun Dr. Mahathir, it wasn't the issue of who was murdered; but it was about the two (2) Policemen who was charged, found guilty and soon facing the gallows. His concern were clear…"who gave the instructions?", and it does matter.
Although the questions thrown by Tun Dr. Mahathir was direct with no intention to degrade the Prime Minister's credibility and the Party’s for that matter, it’s purely normal for advantage seekers to pair such tensed situation into a total nightmare in order to strengthen accusations by inducing conspiracy theories, in addition to humiliate YAB Datuk Seri Najib and the Party. Regretfully, all other criticizers and sadly including those among BN supporters too were accused of being harsh against the Prime Minister, harassing the Party’s integrity and acting as if they're representing the Oppositions. I seriously do not think such accusations are necessary. The People do not need PKR, DAP or PAS or even Tun Dr. Mahathir to convince them into believing any indication by anyone in order to prove YAB Datuk Seri Najib wrong, vice versa.
This reminds me of the long forgotten financial scam with regards to NFC, but today and clearly, YB Datuk Seri Shahrizat is still the Leader of Wanita UMNO (National) and was also appointed as an Adviser among other Advisers to the Prime Minister. The scam didn't even betray her seat. Ironic right…? So, accusing others as if they've entered the Opposition’s Ark would be nuisance don't you think?
Would it be wrong for someone to ask questions when he or she begin to realize that something somewhere is extremely wrong and this time involving a hefty amount of money recognized as “the debt” by a wholly owned Government body. Overwhelming won’t you think?
It is clearly important for all parties to public debate in this area to understand the relevance of such a Government body and to elaborate its financial definitions over the sum borrowed and dispensed. This would be the most suitable approach for the People involved in 1MDB, from and to the People (Rakyat), to make comprehend on such a situation.
In view of the fact that 1MDB is suffering from immense debts, had directly caused high level of suspicions attacking the Chairman and its Board of Directors. Many are dumbfounded as along the way, the Individuals involved directly and/or indirectly with 1MDB are seen to be reacting insensitively towards handling the issue, having said that the issue is presently being heavily criticized. People had expressed serious doubts as to the correctness of the money expensed, especially when it comes to a simple calculation such as its Pre-operational costs.
The one that’s causing the stir wasn't Tun Dr. Mahathir, the Oppositions or the criticizers in general, instead it was 1MDB itself that’s causing the non-stop attack. Hefty debts are at times understandable, but when it involves humongous amount of money moreover involving a wholly owned Government body, this had caused almost everyone in the Country shocked. A small opening to the window would be sufficient enough to make the People see things on their own; thoroughly investigate the root cause and thereafter judge.
Yes, YAB Datuk Seri Najib did in a way tried to explain with good intentions; I suppose as to put forward a reply in which from his personal point of view would be the most eloquent reply to the People. Regretfully his explanations were inadequate and the People are left in greater doubts. Hating the Prime Minister would be foolish, but it is absolutely critical to get a clearer completion…and quickly.
Blaming the person who started the first question means you’re portraying incompetency over your own Leadership. Tun Dr. Mahathir will be Tun Dr. Mahathir, and he will not change his principals, was never interested to please anyone nor will he hide anything on behalf of anyone. And those who continue to condemn Tun Dr. Mahathir over his actions should by now realize that it is the statements made by some Ministers and/or those in support of the Party and/or in support of the Prime Minister, are actually the ones making the situations even more baffling.
Truth can never lie, only manipulated…deeply disappointed with issues presently surrounding the Country especially of 1MDB, Tun Dr. Mahathir did indicate how much he wished he is still the Prime Minister of the Country, and it was even to a greater surprise when such a statement was also being manipulated. Listen carefully to what Tun Dr. Mahathir said in all of his speeches and try to understand the logic exposed therein before jumping onto conclusions.
Yes, Tun Dr. Mahathir tendered without anyone asking or telling him to (after a long and successful 22 years placing Malaysia onto the World’s Map), because he knew the time has come for him to hand over his seat to another person. Motto verbally appended therein his resignation was – resign before you’re told to…let go before it’s snatched away from you, leave while they still love you and not stay to be dumped by those who hates you.
Besides being registered as "Ahli Biasa" (normal Member) of UMNO, Tun Dr. Mahathir presently holds no Political position. Trust me; he would not be interested to run this Country for the 2nd time and what more at this age. He worries of the future and financial standing of the Country and of the People and this is purely understandable…he helped built the Country remember?
If Tun Dr. Mahathir would've hated the Party, he wouldn't have expressed his concerns in the first place. And thanks to him that many begun to understand and realize that there is actually a huge problem involving 1MDB, and why not?…the figure exposed therein could not even fit a calculator. Incorporated with only RM1 Million p.u.c ends up over RM40 Billion in debts. Why and how means a lot the People right now.
So please try and make us understand the actual situation instead of making accusations that such an issue was actually a planned attack by Tun Dr. Mahathir, the Oppositions and/or the People in general and among those BN supporters as well. BN should consider major improvement and pull themselves out of such a traditional mindset. Damage Control would be key element right now.
And just for the thought of the day, do not compose illogical statements such as blaming others should BN hit a downfall and/or lose votes in the upcoming GE. We are portraying our own weakness if we continue working in such a mentality. We lost several States in the past GE and it wasn't caused by Tun Dr. Mahathir, it was due to the negligence of the Party itself. Therefore, I wish to ask this question to my own Party – “who’s next on the list to be blamed over 1MBD?”.
Nalla Karuppan has to stop indicating that “...politically speaking, the Malays will lose..." should the problems between Tun Dr. Mahathir and YAB Datuk Seri Najib continues to be unsolved. Surprisingly, such an over confident statement and so called semi-racist gesture did not attract anyone’s attention, and it’s simply startling to note that no one attacked him, nobody asked him to explain or define the statement, and worst of all no one bothered. Is he among the favorite ones in BN? The statement he made was so annoying that it sounded as if the Non-Malays have nothing to lose and far more advanced compared to the Malays, and what was his motives again?
And then we have Salleh Keruak appearing almost every day, now and then, repeatedly attacking and blaming Tun Dr. Mahathir in almost all aspects. Salleh was an ex Chief Minister and by him implementing the "blaming strategy" will only make him look like nothing more than a crying child getting hit by the blame game.
And last but not least, Tokpa surprising all of us with the "tradition" he believes in. These are few among many whom have had themselves laughed at every time they speak on behalf of the Prime Minister. The credibility of office is hereby questioned.
At the same time, being defensive by questioning over the assets, sturdy financial background and belongings of Tun Dr. Mahathir’s and of his sons (making it as a reply to his questions and actions with regards to 1MDB) would be a very wrong idea. Do not let the People to begin questioning over your own bulging pockets. So think logic not sarcastic…as being sarcastic would make us the nuisance ones.
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