While the World is busy fighting to put a stop to Poverty, the Political scenario in Malaysia is still panting over self inflicted hunger games. Indicated earlier through Fatal Attractions 1, the Opposition Parties in the Country as well as the ruling Party fits the list perfectly.
Oppositions will be oppositions; they oppose everything you do well; what more when you do badly; and by day the eagerness to be in power increases and readily targeting GE14 as their marking point. These problems have been around too long and the progress in dealing with them is far too slow. But as we speak of the ruling Party under the Leadership of YAB Datuk Seri Najib, once…everything seemed to be in order, a bit of cavity here and there yet unnoticed, profiling strength yet weaknesses but tolerable, injecting constant creativeness with continuous amendments but endurable, and suddenly there was this only one question and all hell breaks loose.

As we look back to re-track the root cause, you may want to agree on the part where the question with regards to the financial scandals of 1MDB were as a matter of fact initially popped discreetly with the intentions to help determine the best possible reasons and the best possible answers in order to tact the mess within, and when the responds were vague and formless, there goes the public statement by the former Prime Minister. One question on 1MDB had led one too many…Tabung Haji, KWSP, GST, FGV, Jo Low, Ananda Krishnan, the Cayman Islands, weakening Ringgit, and many more astounding issues including having the double headed Python like Chegu Badd to the rescue…??? Don’t we have enough perpetrators serving the Party already?
1MDB wasn’t audited for fifteen (15) months, fixed and floating assets were purchased beyond the word expensive, investments were unreasonable, and these are only several out of many more ambiguous management decisions in which weren’t brought to the attention of the Parliament and never knew about by the Cabinet.
When the Cabinet themselves aren’t sure of the actual thing that had taken place in 1MDB, I guess it’s only fair for them to stop demonstrating baseless counter attacks against the former Prime Minister or even questioning the Rakyat over their fear. You may state your disagreements but not by way of pouncing on past failures of others, but pay attention on the present malfunctions instead. Attacking Tun Dr. Mahathir over his failures or of his family’s wealth would only make you look hopeless. Tun Dr. Mahathir’s concerns were more of logical oriented whereas the Prime Minister’s devotees’ were more defensive based. The cavity in 1MDB was only noticeable by the Cabinet and the Rakyat when Tun Dr. Mahathir did what he had to do…and that was the day he told YAB Datuk Seri Najib to step down.
And with all these self-protective cause of actions portrayed by those in favor of YAB Datuk Seri Najib, ask yourself these questions:
1- Would you blame Tun Dr. Mahathir for popping the question or would you blame 1MDB for not revealing the actual fact?
2- Who started it and what caused it – Tun Dr. Mahathir for making it public or 1MDB over the financial scandals we all once never knew about?
3- Whose attacking and who’s being defensive – Tun Dr. Mahathir for his continuous public disagreements or the Prime Minister’s devotees continuously putting up impractical fights?
…and so the psychological playoff continues.
By responding question with question, accusations with accusations, hate with hate will one fine day turn into responding violence with violence and not only we lost a unique opportunity to unite People and the Government but we are helping the Opposition Parties in making their jobs a lot easier.
We all do realize that we are doing our best to help make things better but at the same time the stubbornness within us or rather within them (the Government), the Prime Minister or several of his Cabinet Ministers is helping to strengthen a culture of war rather than peace, revenge rather than forgiveness, and isolation between Rakyat and the Leaders rather than collaboration.
It wouldn’t be fair for anybody to say that someone somewhere is trying to topple YAB Datuk Seri Najib, instead I guess it was only the matter of competitiveness that is demanding flexibility and therefore the choice in the openness of the Government in handling conflicts. If the Government is able to weigh the conflicts against the concerns of the Rakyat today, I so much believe most conflicts would be more intelligently handled.
Every Country has rivals residing in the same Country and that doesn’t spare us. Whatever we see or hear today are solely self-inflicted issues and everyone is concerned about it and they (the Government) have got to listen when experts tell them what the problems are, but the Ministers just try to brush us away didn’t they…?
By way of the aggressive statements and unilateral actions, we have intentionally or unintentionally deprecated the importance and prestige of peace-making, conflicts and resolutions and especially public dialogues, thereby contributing to future conflicts, making them more serious and constricting opportunities for settlement and resolution, especially when the Rakyat is craving for truth compressed with their sense of excitement about the future. Changing Parties would be suicidal; alterations may be a very complicated idea and this is why we require improved understanding, not only of the conflict in Politics, but the Politics in conflict.
The famous philosopher Lao Tzu once said;
“When virtue is lost, benevolence appears, when benevolence is lost, right conduct appears, when right conduct is lost, expedience appears, expediency is the mere shadow of right and truth…it is the beginning of disorder”. And I couldn’t agree more.
The Prime Minister did say “implement GST or face bankruptcy”…wasn’t Tun Dr. Mahathir right to advise him to step down…?
UMNO were and is still recovering from past injuries created from within the Party and since decades (not forgetting from those of the Opposition Parties’) with regards to several Political scandals here and there, but the wounds listed today are so immense, therefore the main overriding purpose to get the Prime Minister to step down would be - not to win the battle, not to take away peace, but to secure the Country’s future by implementing a more decisive plan by way of placing a new Leader and this is being intensified by the very solutions required to resolve the economic problems to come.
And the reality we have to again face today is that the Rakyat among those supporters of UMNO are heading into two (2) or maybe three (3) separate ways now; whereas Leaders of UMNO themselves are beginning to divide themselves into four (4) or five (5) separate ways now; and then we have the UMNO in States and Divisions in the whole of Malaysia seemingly forming their own in maybe six (6) or seven (7) groups stating their own motto and supports for whom they prefer to agree with i.e. YAB Datuk Seri Najib or Tun Dr. Mahathir for that matter. So, have you done your calculation on the number of internal fractures mentioned above? If you have, then try adding twelve (12) other Components and thirteen (13) other Affiliates of Barisan Nasional and your mind will sensibly give you the result picturing what’s going to happen next. The dismembered figures are huge and scary and this number will continue to increase until otherwise proven that all issues presently mocked be successfully clarified.
And in the midst of all this and while sincerity is still being the biggest question, we’re added with an additional surprise. There’s this one Politician who is in the midst of learning to adapt a new system called “the threatening game” and one among many threats was the word AUTONOMY. It was indeed the worst threatening message of the Century and coming from the Chief Minister of Sarawak made it even more challenging. Adenan Satem seeking such a freedom made it sound like PBB being the rebels or the Federal Government being hopeless.
Independence or freedom;
Self Government or the right of self-Government;
Self governing Country or Region;
Self governing community;
Freedom from external control or influence;
Independence in ruling…this is AUTONOMY.
Such an unprecedented request popped after three (3) decades by this biggest majority supporting Barisan Nasional had somehow geographically shaped our minds into uncertainty with regards to the future of Barisan Nasional…psychologically we were truly dumbfounded. And because of this sensibility, the frames of minds became more of emotional rather than of practical. The Autonomy demand by PBB was simply so extra dimensional that it’s making us worry of the aftermath as well as while dealing with the present crisis, and in the midst of all these challenges, we should start planning for the future, the discomfort zones we have to face and to overcome before we reach the beginning of GE14…now this would be a chaos in the making and the word democracy is giving all of us a second thought…I mean why not…we are talking about the majority stake holder in Barisan Nasional especially when it comes to General Elections.
It’s like a warning…we haven’t (as yet) had Sabah, Selangor, Penang and Kelantan demanding the same freedom. Self control with no Federal Government meddling was the word deliberately out of Adenan Satem’s mouth. Tun Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib bin Mahmud, the current Yang di-Pertua Negeri Sarawak, the fourth Chief Minister of Sarawak, ruled the state for more than two (2) decades making him the second longest serving member of the Malaysian Parliament after Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah had never once demanded for AUTONOMY, so the idea incorporating Adenan Satem’s demand for AUTONOMY is still being questioned.
Politics attracts the ambitious, power hungry and corrupt like a magnet. Even many good and decent statesmen with pure intentions all too frequently find power seductive. Suddenly after three (3) decades, you begin to realize that there were too much bureaucracy involved, this is something someone would definitely continue wondering. With regards to Sabah and Sarawak, you must first enable the Government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself…the question again was “why all of a sudden?”.
Its either we’re creating enemies from within or them looking forward to be the next Republic of Singapore; ask yourself this question – while Sabah, Kelantan, Penang and Selangor has UMNO, there’s still no UMNO in Sarawak…why…? Are they not accepting UMNO or are we just accepting them as they are?
It’s funny how Adenan Satem thinks…he condemns Tun Dr. Mahathir as the worst Prime Minister for twenty two (22) years yet he demanding for AUTONOMY makes YAB Datuk Seri Najib looks most horrible.
Well I guess the Fish do make the Monger smell even worst.