"When something happens which seemed unrealistic, I've never once doubted, but I've always wondered. It’s more of a question rather than accusation".
- Sharifah Zohra Jabeen
As invitations to the Press clearly stating the obvious, the Press Conference held by the “Mind and Social Care Association” (for and/or) on behalf of PI Bala’s widow (Selvi) turned into the weirdest Press Conference rarely witnessed.
Initially as I was watching this video, the voices, script (conversation) therein weren’t as clear, so being me, I had to listen to it with my headphone on. And as I was listening to it, something grabbed my attention and I decided to note down the conversations to try and really understand what had actually taken place. It took me nearly 2 hours to carefully listen to the conversations to avoid making mistakes as I was noting. And after I did, I have this to say:-
The press conference was supposed to be all about the late PI Bala’s widow wanting to apologize to the Prime Minister pertaining to her allegations against him, so to say that Najib / Rosmah conspiracy was the actual cause of Altantuya's gruesome murder. The obvious confusion came about when the above apology turned into apologizing to Rosmah (instead) as the cause of her Husband’s death 3 years ago. Seriously it's very confusing coz' in between her jumbled statement she did mention that her Husband may have truly died of heart attack.
Initially, her indication was clear, she lost her Husband, got sort of trapped by PKR to lie, she took the bait as promises by PKR came flying in, and now she wishes to apologize. So which one is it? Apologizing to Najib over allegations of Altantuya's murder or apologizing to Rosmah over allegations of Altantuya's murder or PI Bala's murder or death? Perplexing isn't it?
Many may not realize that an expert doesn't use poison to kill; they use lies to create the most sophisticated homicide of all time and while we still have people who believes in law but interprets wrongdoing from a Political point of view, sentencing anyone over his or her guilt would be that simple unless it pleasures one’s appetite or protect one’s secret.
Truths never lie, it’s only manipulated, and this was what I saw in this video...actions were part of words unspoken and feelings unexpressed. And as you fake yourself, the colors slowly fades, and there you go…caught in action, blasted by Reporters left, right and center.
Those involved in the preparation of the said Press Conference must have underestimated the Press on field. Reporters…especially when they smell a rat will never stop pouncing on the same questions unless you’ve provided them with the best possible and satisfying answers...so imagine what would happen when you begin to confuse them with statements in contrary to what was reported.
As the video suggested and from my point of view, I see the whole Press Conference thing was a fix. One was trying to fix another, but in the end both were forced to swallow their own bullets. You’ll understand what actually went wrong here if you’ve carefully listened to their conversations; clearly saw their actions; and unmistakably understood their body language.
When you evaluate something or someone, you need to look at the full version and not at the edited version. You wouldn’t want to take what’s edited as prove nor truth…remember the Listen Phenomenon where edited versions made center stage…?
In the case of this infamous “Selvi apologizing” video, it’s never the matter of who’s wrong or who’s right, I guess it’s no longer important coz what’s more important is to understand why someone plays such a game and why now and why money is clearly involved.
A Press Conference was held because Selvi wants to apologize to the Prime Minister; and
Selvi walks in giving her number one crystal clear statement - seeking financial assistance for her children’s education; and
Reads the statement prepared by (or) for her, apologizing to the Prime Minister and his family; and
Therefore the apology was made only after she was betrayed by PKR; but
Later changed her statement apologizing to Rosmah instead; but
At the same time strictly affirming that her late husband wasn't lying in his statements against Najib and Wife in the murder case of Altantuya; and
Showing anger as she was astounded by questions thrown during press conference; and
Angry due to her own failure to provide a straight answer; and
Kept changing her statements with regards to the lawsuits against Najib; and
Couldn’t even get Ramesh’s name right after few attempts; and
Continuously expressing anger onto Ramesh and Reporters as she was continuously flung by questions. The best part was her denial in having an ongoing lawsuit against Najib but shockingly her female companion from the floor denying Selvi’s denial on the lawsuits...so tell me who wouldn’t roll their eyes, and who would not be confused or even laugh at the whole scene? I couldn't digest it myself. The conversation in Tamil between Ramesh, Selvi and a female from the floor proves what was truly happening...an aim gone wrong.
Ramesh on the other hand, shivering…could only manage to repeat the same old thing he said from the beginning…repeatedly the same and illogical explanation. So, metaphorically speaking, someone is trying to shoot someone down but it just didn’t work out as it was supposed to. So a fix it is! Yes…what on Earth does seeking assistance for her children’s education has had to do with PKR betraying her; making a public statement thru a press conference apologizing to Najib / Rosmah and at the same time affirming that PI Bala’s statement to his lawyer against Razak Baginda, Najib and Rosmah was indeed the truth?
I'm amazed...amazed over the ironic fact that a “well planned plan” aiming to someone or something for whosoever or whatsoever purpose or intention could go this wrong. The same person whom had made the statement to punch Tun Mahathir in the face is doing his very best to electrify the press and /or the Prime Minister and / or probably trying to help clear the air, but little did he realize that he was torching his own feet. Not only that, he is also burning down the “what’s left trust” towards the Prime Minister by setting fire on issues he should not even meddle into.
Their body language was crystal clear blunder. Its either Selvi was making use of Ramesh and lying to him (but Ramesh can’t be that stupid can he…?), or Ramesh making use of Selvi wheedling her to speak (in which will make her 20 thousand ringgit richer in one day), both making use of each other or someone trying to be the Hero…this one you decide. One thing for sure, things didn’t go as planned. Fullstop.
With the closing chapter of wanting 20 thousand ringgit for her children’s education…she storms out of the press conference leaving Ramesh to continue alone, and there you go…this “Mind and Social Care Association” Advisor calling Reporters “Pekak” (deaf); “White Man” and "Stupid", using foul language out of “pressure being pressured” or shall I say over his incompetency and incapability to answer over a scene he started but failed to complete…
over the truths he never knew right or wrong…
over the popularity he seeks…
over things he denied came slamming back onto his face…
over his “defense in defense for Selvi” for some reason whatsoever…only the Advisor of this "Mind and Social Care Association" would know. Even his own reactions during the Press Conference left us speechless as a matter of fact.
Which part of the video do you not understand that a bribe was made? Regretfully, this main bribing purpose failed to take place due to the failure or shall I say the negligence or the idiocy of this Advisor from the "Mind and Social Care Association" whom had failed to complete his homework prior to Press Conference, besides only underestimating the intelligence, capability, ability and expertise of the Press as they deal in certain issues on field. The worst was, he (Ramesh) never had a clue on the ongoing Lawsuit against Najib. How pathetic can this be?
You see, the word “Mistake” is like an organization dedicating to excellence, helping people to be the best they can by learning from it and if we still don’t understand what actually took place in this video, I tell you we’d be hopeless. Be not the Pro’s for no one but common-sense.
Meanwhile, the video is too large in length (15:37 minutes) and cannot be uploaded here, therefore I've attached the link to this video. Watch and listen to this shocking video carefully. I've also appended the script (conversation) heard in the video. You read, you watch, you listen, you decide.
PS: On one hand, I feel sorry for PI Bala's widow, but on the other hand, she admitted of slandering the Prime Minister and Wife. And what about Ramesh in between...?
Script ref: (..........) = unclear speech during Press Conference.
PI Bala’s widow (Selvi):
Saya datang dekat Encik Ramesh untuk bantuan anak saya, untuk melanjutkan dia ke Kolej ya…
Tujuan saya pada hari ini ialah ingin memohon maaf secara terbuka khususnya kepada Perdana Menteri Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib dan ahli keluarganya, bagi pihak diri saya dan jugak pihak mendiang Suami saya diatas segala kesulitan, kesusahan, fitnah yang dialami oleh semua pihak berkaitan dengan penglibatan mendiang Suami saya dengan kes pembunuhan Altantuya.
Disini saya ingin menjelaskan bahawa saya dan mendiang Suami saya telah tertipu dengan segala janji-janji yang diberikan oleh individu- individu tertentu. Saya dan Suami saya mula percaya dengan segala janji-janji yang mereka cakap, nak buat ni…nak buat ni…nak buat ni…nak buat ni…nak bagi semualah, tapi sampai sekarang takda habuk pun I dapat.
Okay, dia janji nak bagi pendidikan untuk anak I, sampai sekarang dah 3 tahun Suami dah mati, takda…nothing. Saya mintak bantuan, takda mesej, saya mintak nak jumpa Datin Wan Azizah, dia kata busy, sepanjang hari busy busy dengan Parlimen dia. Sampai bila dia nak jumpa saya? Huh? Sampai hari ni dah berapa…dah 3 tahun dan 15 haribulan ni cukup 3 tahun Suami dah takda.
Saya pergi pejabat PKR, saya minta bantuan, saya kata saya nak bantuan untuk pendidikan anak-anak I, saya buat dengan cara apa yang dia buat eh…pegawai...budak dekat pejabat PKR tu dia duduk macam ni, dia goyang…dia goyang, dia kata “kalau BN bagi you offer lebih, you pergi kat BN” dia cakap.
Saya tak pergi kat BN, saya tak pergi kat mana-mana, saya datang kat pejabat Datuk Suresh…sorry... Datuk Ramesh...saya nak mintak bantuan, itu saja. Takda orang paksa saya, saya sendiri datang.
What you’re saying…after fighting for so many years for your Husband’s story, why have you suddenly decided that the opposite is true?
I never say any part is true. For so many long time I come back for this…this one because I need money for my Children’s education, that’s all. I never say BN right or Pakatan right…no. I come for…I meet Mr. Datuk Ramesh for my children’s education, that’s all.
For what’s the relationship between meeting Datuk Ramesh, your children’s education and the lawsuit you filed against the Malaysian Prime Minister? What’s the connection between those things?
For 3 year I fighting for my Husband, but they promise me they will do me everything for my children, but until now they never do anything. So…I come to the…
Who are this “they” that promised you that they will do everything?
Datuk Ramesh Rao, the Advisor of an NGO namely Pertubuhan Minda & Sosial Prihatin Malaysia (The Mind and Social Care Association Malaysia) - (Ramesh):
Saya ada tanya pada Puan Selvi satu soalan, sebab saya pernah dengar yang Puan Selvi pernah kononnya mengatakan…kononnya mengatakan yang Datuk Seri Najib yang bunuh Altantuya. Datuk Seri Najib yang bunuh Bala Pillai. Saya tanya dekat Akak, betul you ada nampak apa apa tak? Yang isu Altantuya ni? You ada nampak tak? I ask her.
Sebenarnya masa Suami saya mati kan, dia dah meninggal, I frust tau, I tension, bila orang cakap Rosmah yang bunuh…Rosmah…I terikut…okay? Kan?…dia kata Rosmah yang bunuh, dia perempuan bunuh, dia yang bunuh, so…saya kehilangan Suami masa tu, mesti saya apa kan? Sekarang saya realize lah, mungkin Bala meninggal maybe its heart attack. Okay? So kalau saya ada silap cakap apa-apa, saya minta maaf lah.
Jadi makna nak mintak maaf pada Perdana Menteri terhadap dakwaan Puan terhadap beliau sebelum ni yang mengatakan dia terlibat dengan pembunuhan Altantuya apa semua tu…
Saya tak cakap terlibat dengan Altantuya.
Mungkin Puan boleh detailkan sikit permohonan maaf hari ni?
Maaf maksudnya tu sebab saya tersilap cakap masa kematian Suami saya, itu je.
Reporter 1:
Apa dia yang tersilap cakap?
Reporter 2:
Mrs. Selvi, the key question now is, was your husband lying in his affidavit?
Puan Selvi:
Was he lying in the statement recorded with his lawyer?
The..........is different. Okay? That is the different. This is different. This one is different, totally different this one.
Okay let me ask you this question, do you believe that in the videos your Husband recorded in Singapore and..........was he lying?
No…is true…is true…
Everything he said is true?
Bala say is true. What I say is fault because that day my Husband had passed away, I’m so tension so I said this is Rosmah did. So now I apologize that’s all.
So…Bala was telling the truth?
Bala tell the truth.
And yet you are now apologizing to the Prime Minister and saying that…
No, what Bala telling the truth like what? No, what are you trying to say?
Bala’s..........is the truth.
Well Bala says, that Razak Baginda was having an affair with Altantuya, that Najib was having an affair with Altantuya. But Bala said Altantuya was snatched but on Baginda’s orders out the front of Baginda’s house and that she was killed to cover up the corrupt submarine deal, is that still true?
Guy in blue shirt:
Ambik statement 112…
Mrs. Selvi is that still true?
Okay, excuse me Sir. Suresh…
Please take the 112 statement.
I rasa…
Mrs. Selvi is that still true?
Selvi to Ramesh: (IN TAMIL)
Kau cakap lain, tapi kat sini sekarang yang cakap lain yang jadi lain.
Ramesh to Selvi: (IN TAMIL)
Guy in blue shirt:
Ini soalan, your question I will answer.
No…no, I’d like Mrs. Selvi to answer.
Guy in blue shirt:
No...this one is regarding of Altantuya murder case.
No…no sorry…Mrs. Selvi a moment ago said everything the Husband has recorded was true.
And that’s what he says, so you still stand by what he said? Yes?
Puan Selvi:
And so why you’re apologizing to Najib?
I apologize to the Datin Rosmah okay because I said she the one who…who killed my Husband, so I apologize, only for that.
So you’re not apologizing to Najib?
No. The Bala’s..........is..........right…it’s true. This is…I come here for…
So in this case you’re not apologizing to Prime Minister, you’re only apologizing to Rosmah?
Whatever that your Husband has said about Prime Minister of Razak Baginda all that is true? You're sticking to that?
Yeah..........is different. I come here today for my children’s education, not regarding the..........
Mrs. Selvi…is this part of the political conspiracy to protect the Prime Minister?
What nonsense are you talking about? We are here to say, to help the poor lady, and you are questioning like stupid you know?
I come here today for my children education only.
Hey…are you being paid by PKR to do a provocation here? Are you being paid? No, are you been paid by Pakatan? No, are you paid by Pakatan or what?
Okay…I come here today for my children’s education, that’s all. Okay, I ask PKR I never get the money, so I come for this office for the money, that’s all.
It seems so strange…
No, are you being paid? Excuse me are you been paid?
Sorry, it’s your press conference not mine.
No, this is my office.
Yes, but it’s a press conference.
Okay, this is my office so I can ask you. Are you been paid?
No, I’m not being paid by anyone except my employer.
Selvi to the guy in blue shirt:
Lain datang…lain yang jadi.
Mrs. Selvi, it’s so strange, suddenly you apologize, there are Special Branch officers outside and a few nights ago on the phone you said to me you were perfectly happy to do an interview about what has happened to you…it's you can see why it's confusing?
You see…
Sorry, I’m asking Mrs. Selvi.
No…no…no you see…she is you see…my first question to her was “did you see any…any murder things about Altantuya”, she said “No”….okay? “Why did you mention PM’s family?” She said “I did that out of anger…out of anger…I said this out of anger…so today I’m apologizing because I didn’t see anything”.
Alright…a simple question, are you abandoning your lawsuit against the Prime Minister?
Ramesh to Selvi: (IN TAMIL)
What are you suing? What suit is that?
Selvi to Ramesh: (IN TAMIL)
Ramesh to Selvi: (IN TAMIL)
You suing the PM?
Now you continuing with your lawsuit?
Ramesh to Selvi:
No, she just said that she didn’t sue the Prime Minister
I never sue anybody.
You currently have a lawsuit on foot against the Prime Minister.
Ramesh to Selvi: (IN TAMIL)
Are you suing Najib?…which one? The Deepak one ah?
Selvi to Ramesh:
…Deepak case one lah.
…Deepak one…she’s not suing the Prime Minister personally.
Sorry let me rephrase it, you currently have a lawsuit that names the Prime Minister as part of the conspiracy to force you out of the Country. Are you continuing with that lawsuit?
Ramesh to Selvi:
Are you suing Najib?
Unknown to Selvi: (IN TAMIL)
…yes Mother, but why you’re saying there’s no lawsuit?
Selvi to unknown: (IN TAMIL)
Is there?
Unknown to Selvi: (IN TAMIL)
There is...
Ramesh to unknown: (IN TAMIL)
Oh really? There is?
Unknown to Ramesh: (IN TAMIL)
There is…
Selvi to unknown: (IN TAMIL)
There is?
Unknown to Ramesh and Selvi: (IN TAMIL)
There is.
Mrs. Selvi, are you continuing with the lawsuit which names the Prime Minister as part of the conspiracy to force you out of the Country?
Selvi to Ramesh: (IN TAMIL)
Now what will you say?
You see…
Sorry, I’m asking Mrs. Selvi
Yes…yes hold on.
You see…my…you see…the press conference here, there are 2 things, the 2 issues here. Number 1, I’m repeating again, I ask her “did you see anything about Altantuya murder? Did you see anything?” Said “No. I didn’t see anything”,…correct? “I didn’t see anything”. Out of anger, she came out with a statement…
No…Mr. Ramesh, we understand all that…
No…no…no correct…no..no wait…wait…wait you see, I invite you for a 2 this thing, and 1 for education purpose, right? The law case or whatever case I’m not interested to know…
Even in the press conference invitation you clearly say that wife of PI Bala is apologizing to the Prime Minister?
Yeah…yes…because…she wrongly said…
But she just said she’s not apologizing to the Prime Minister. She said she’s apologizing to Rosmah.
I mean…this is a fix isn’t it?
This is a fix isn’t it?
What you mean by fix?
What you mean by fix? No…what you mean by fix?
What I mean is…
Selvi to the guy in blue shirt:
Ni apa ni Bang…macam mana nak cakap…kita cakap lain dia tanya lain.
No…no…no what you…can you…can you tell me what is that fix? Yeah…
Clearly the fix is on, because you prepared the statement which…
Prepared a statement? No…
Can I finish?
You’ve prepared a statement which contradicts what Mrs. Selvi is now saying. What I’m trying to get clear is, why…why Mrs. Selvi…suddenly you’re changing your position so radically. It seems…it seems clear to me, that yes you’ve been in a difficult financial position, and someone has come to the table with funds to help you in your difficult financial positions. And you’ve taken a difficult decision and one that perhaps is understandable to change your story because the political pressure is just too great. Is that right?
No, she never change any story here. No did she…
..........already this morning.
You see…story…no… what…what story she change?
First statement says she apologize to Najib, but then she said clearly “no” she’s not apologizing to Najib. Which is it?
Puan…Puan cakap minta maaf pada Rosmah tadi.
Ya, sebab saya cakap dia bunuh suami saya, itu saja saya mintak, yang lain yang Bala punya..........itu I tak campur.
Dan minta maaf pada Najib masih diteruskan?…jadi…
Saya cakap saya mintak dekat Datin Rosmah je…so…
Sebab mula mula Puan baca tu Puan kata Puan mintak maaf pada Datuk Seri Najib jadi…
Dan keluarga…
Keluargalah…that means Husband and Wife lah kan? Tapi I maksud dia Rosmah lah. Sekarang saya rasa saya nak berhentikan press ni sebab saya datang sini saya nak mintak bantuan untuk anak saja. Saya taknak bukak cerita cerita lain okay? Sorry.
You’re answering anymore questions Mrs. Selvi?
No…no…no more questions.
What was the total financial offer?
I come here for my children education, that’s all.
20 thousand.
Only 20 thousand.
Ramesh to Reporter:
I need only 20 thousand. The PKR cannot give me the 20 thousand so I come to this office for my children education that’s all.
Selvi to young girl:
Take my bag.
Young girl to Reporters:
Can you please asking question.
No more question please
Daughter to Selvi: (IN TAMIL)
Mother go into the room.
Ramesh to Selvi: (IN TAMIL)
Go into the room
I come here for my children education that’s all.
I mean…of course I already call all my…my few friends, so we’ll share, we’ll chip in…
Is the money come from Datin Seri Rosmah or Najib?
My God… you are a…you pekak ke?
No…are you pekak or not? We say fundraising; we are sharing among our friends to help her…
Reporter 1:
We understand all that, you see…you…
Reporter 2:
Would you have still provided funds if she had not made that statement?
I will do. You see I don’t care who is coming to my office, I don’t ask…
But you’re not answering the question?
What question?
Why did she need to apologize to the Prime Minister in order to get funds from your NGO?
No…no you please correct your word. No…there are no such thing.
Okay then why did she apologize?
No…even if she don’t apologize…no even she don’t apologize, I will definitely help her.
Reporter 1:
Okay, then why did she apologize?
Reporter 2:
So, why you’re doing this?
You see. I think I already started earlier. You see, when I ask her did you see anything? She said “No, it’s hearsay”. I say “this is not fair”…
But what does that have to do with the bill for the children’s college?
No…is that wrong for me to help them?
Reporter 1:
It’s not wrong for you to help them. Of course it’s not wrong, we’re not casting judgment, it’s utterly confusing.
Reporter 2:
Now what does the whole Altantuya issue have anything to do with the whole funding her children’s college?
No…this has nothing to do with the funding. You see I’m repeating again…you see I’m repeating again…I’m repeating again, when she call me the news is spreading, alright?
So people start to call me “Are you going to help Selvi?”. I said “No it’s a education wise no problem”. “Are you trying to bribe her?”, I say “Bribe her for what?” “No…to make any statements or what?” I said “No…nothing”.
See I’m here clearly I just want to help the education. I told her I need few days to do fundraising where I need to call everyone few of the guys.
But surely Datuk Ramesh, I mean it obviously has no credibility. For years and years and years Mrs. Selvi has…
What is wrong with you…?... eh white man…can you see the papers statement I’m helping this PKR guys and all that…and you are keeping repeating things ah…I’m off.
Okay I will make sure the children’s get a good education I will help them. She apologize or not that is not my problem. My concern I will make sure the children gets a good education. Done. Alright? Thank you and again and again and again you’re confusing it. Thank you thank you…thank you.
LINK TO VIDEO: (copy and paste in Chrome and it will take you to the full version video)